Friday, February 25, 2011

Please try to control yourself...

Contain your excitement if you can. I'm blogging for a second day in row.

Today was just a normal Friday. G-Lou and Syd were at school and Rosie was hanging with me. I guess the day wasn't quite normal. We had the rare treat of going to a birthday party during the day...during a WEEK DAY! The party was for one of Audrey's friends from school who happens to be the son of one of my friends from high school. They enjoyed a couple hours of bounce-housing, presents, hot dogs and cake. Who made the cake, you ask? Why, I did!!

As you can see, the party theme was Toy Story. Ryan's little face lit up like the fourth of July when he saw the cake. That's why I enjoy making cakes. The only thing better that the person thinking the cake tastes good is the look on the face of who ever the cake is for.
I was able to catch Ryan and Rosie together for a picture. I was shocked when they both sat still and looked at the camera all at the same time. Aren't they cuties?
And then Rosie even posed for one by herself. She is quite the poser as evident by the next photo.

After the party, Audrey resumed business as usual. We went home and relaxed for a few minutes and then we were off to pick up the girls from school. Friday is always a special day for Syd. Not only is it donut shop day for her and G where they ride to the shop and school in the police car with daddy, but it is (and has been for 8 years now) Syd's night with my mom and dad. She counts the days down from the beginning of the week, every week. She woke up in a fantastic mood this morning which carried her right through her day. I always love days like that.
Well, today went a little unexpectedly. Audrey asked me if she could go home with Mamaw too. I'm sorry, what? This is something she hasn't done in several months. She's usually perfectly fine right here with me and E, but today she wanted to go. And, from what I understand, she never mentioned me one time. Most mom's would get a little weepy here. I am not most moms. lol
With this little turn of events and E working late, G-Lou and I ended up spending a good part of the evening together. We went and got some dinner and then came home and watched a movie. Let me tell you something, it's been a while since I've had her by herself and I have forgotten just how full of hooey she is. She was cracking jokes right and left this evening and we had quite a good evident by the following photo...

She is her mother's daughter.

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